
Margot Bergmann

Margot is working as a physiotherapy assistant in the University of Tartu, teaching neurological physiotherapy. She has a history working mainly with spinal cord injured patients. She is also a CEO of Põlva Hospital, which is one of the hospitals from Tartu University Hospital affiliated group.


Maarika Asi

Maarika Asi is the youngest member of RENE project. Maarika finished her BA studies in physiotherapy, at the University of Tartu in 2018. She is currently working as a physical therapist in local general hospital, Põlva.

Maarika Asi

Kristiina Lokko

Kristiina is working as a physiotherapists and a Scroth therapist in Põlva hospital. The hospital is one of the clinical placements for physiotherapy students in Tartu University, and Kristiina works with practice coordination and supervision in the hospital.