Introducing Minna Lahti, new member of RENE-Team 

My name is Minna Lahti and I’ll be joining RENE Team since my studies in Master School in Turku University of Applied Sciences (TUAS) started few weeks ago. I have worked 14 years as an occupational physiotherapist in the Turku Center for Occupational Health and I have more than 10 years of experience as a physiotherapist in various elderly care departments, such as the geriatric rehabilitation department.  

Currently I work as an occupational physiotherapist with different elderly care departments and home care in Turku area. My work consists of evaluation of employees’ functional capacities and work abilities, besides the guidance and health promotion work. Some of my clients I meet have already musculoskeletal disorders and I think prevention interventions are in a great role. Teaching and guiding safe patient handling and mobility is central task in my work, and in that field, we truly have work to do! The risk assessment perspective, selecting the correct assistive aids and relevant assisting maneuvers are the important topics, just to mention few. 

The safe patient handling and mobility have interested me quite a while and I see the benefits in individual and organizational levels. Having safe working habits, the risk of injuries will be diminished and utilizing the patient’s full rehabilitation potential will support their independence. The nurses and other care workers need to be aware of patient’s functional abilities, the risks, environmental features and they need to be skilled enough to perform safe patient transfers. In larger perspective the safe working habits diminish incidence of work-related musculoskeletal disorders and sick leaves. 

This RENE- project is aiming to unify the safe patient handling and mobility in all European countries. I think that is an important goal, since we know mastering the knowledge and skills in patient handling need to initiate already in their professional education. The novice care workers need to have the right working habits from the beginning.  


Blog authors, Minna Lahti and Marion Karppi 

In Turku, 06.01.21